Using Microsoft’s Conference Management (CMT) for Submissions

ICP2025 uses Microsoft’s Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) for all paper submissions. To submit your paper, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a CMT Account: If you do not already have a CMT account, please create one at: (Double-check that this URL is correct for ICP2025. If it’s a different conference, the URL will be different.)
  2. Enable Cookies and JavaScript: Ensure that your web browser has cookies and JavaScript enabled. CMT requires these to function correctly.
  3. Whitelist CMT Email: Add “[email address removed]” (or the correct CMT notification email address) to your safe senders list (whitelist) in your email client. This will prevent important email announcements regarding your submission from being blocked by spam filters. (It’s crucial to use the correct CMT notification email address here.)

Abstract Submission

To submit your abstract for ICP2025, please follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Your Abstract: Before you begin the submission process, ensure that your abstract is properly formatted according to the ICP2025 abstract guidelines. This includes details about the word count (maximum 500 words, including title, affiliations, abstract body, references, and keywords), formatting, and any other specific requirements outlined in the Abstract Template and Formatting Manual. [Link to Template/Manual]
  2. Create a CMT Account (If you don’t have one): If you do not already have an account on the CMT submission system, you will need to create one.
  3. Online Submission: Log in to your author account on the CMT system.
  4. Submitting Your Abstract (on CMT):
    • Click the “+ Create new submission” button (usually in the upper-left) to begin a new abstract submission.
    • You will be prompted to enter the title of your abstract and the author information.
    • To add a co-author, first enter their email address. If their email address is not found in the CMT system, you will be prompted to provide the required information for your co-author (first name, last name, organization, and country).
    • Upload your abstract as a Microsoft Word (.docx) document.
    • Ensure that the abstract file meets all technical requirements, including the word count limit and formatting guidelines.
  5. Track Your Submission: You can check the status of your submitted abstract by accessing the Author Console on CMT. You will also receive email notifications regarding the status of your abstract.
  6. Revision (If Requested): In the event that you are requested to revise your abstract, the status will be marked as “Revision.” You can access reviewer comments on CMT. In this scenario, please upload only a clean, unmarked revised file within two weeks of receiving your decision email. There’s no need to include response sheets.
  7. Acceptance: When your submission meets the reviewers’ approval, the status will change to “Accept.”

Full Paper Submission

Once your abstract is accepted for ICP2025, please follow these steps to prepare and submit your full paper:

  1. Prepare Your Regular Paper: Before you begin the submission process, ensure that your regular paper is properly formatted according to the ICP2025 regular paper guidelines. This includes details about paper length (maximum 8 pages), formatting, referencing style, and any other specific requirements outlined in the Regular Paper Template and Formatting Manual. [Link to Template/Manual] (Make sure this links to the correct regular paper template.)
  2. Online Submission (using CMT): Log in to your author account on the CMT system.
  3. Submitting Your Regular Paper (on CMT): You will use your existing abstract submission record on CMT to upload your full paper.
  4. Please check your abstract submission on CMT for the submission link and any updated information.
  5. Click the appropriate link within your abstract submission record to upload your full paper.
  6. You will be prompted to enter the title of your regular paper and the author information (this should be pre-filled from your abstract submission).
  7. Upload your regular paper as a Microsoft Word (.docx) document.
  8. Ensure that the regular paper file meets all technical requirements, including the page limit (8 pages), file size limit (10 MB), and formatting guidelines.
  9. Track Your Submission: You can check the status of your submitted regular paper by accessing the Author Console on CMT. You will also receive email notifications regarding the status of your regular paper from the ICP2025 Secretariat.
  10. Revision (If Requested): In the event that you are requested to revise your regular paper, the status will be marked as “Revision.” You can access reviewer comments on CMT under “View Reviews”. In this scenario, please upload only a clean, unmarked revised file within two weeks of receiving your decision email. Do not include any response sheets.
  11. Acceptance: When your submission meets the reviewers’ approval, the status will change to “Accept.” You can then proceed with registration.


  1. Each participant can upload up to two papers within the registration fee. If you wish to upload more than two papers, an additional payment of 50% of the registration fee per paper is required.
  2. All accepted, registered, and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings book with an ISBN.
  3. Selected papers will be considered for publication in special issues of prestigious journals (a list of journals will be announced soon). Further details regarding publication will be provided upon acceptance.


Abstract submission:

20 February 2025 – 15 April 2025

Abstract acceptance notification:

30 April 2025

Manuscript submission:

30 April – 15 June 2025

Manuscript acceptance notification:

15 July 2025

Manuscript final version submission deadline:

15 September 2025